Visualisation – Part Two

by Apr 23, 2020

Problems you could have visualising.

If you think you can’t do this, I’m telling you can.

You already visualise when you see your car you visualise the size colour and shape of your car when you are looking for your car in a car park, low and behold you find it.

Do you have difficulty finding a car parking space on a busy car park driving around and around looking? My advice STOP. Thinking this visualisation will not work and it’s just my bad luck, and have the attitude I knew it, sound familiar?

I used to think that visualisation will not work, but it does work, sit relax before driving and visualising yourself find a car parking space specifically for your car, this amazingly works for me 95% of the time.

Visualization will become 2nd Nature

You can use all your senses, your taste, smell, see, hear and feel or in (NLP) Neuro-Linguistic Programming Talk: VAKOG – Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic, Olfactory, and Gustatory.

You believe it all not already do this, let’s imagine a hot summers day, I would love a cold can of cola, you are almost tasting this cola before you even find the shop to buy it. You find a shop, café and there in the fridge is your can of cola.

Therefore this will help you consciously create whatever you want to do with your life.

Visualization is healthy

If you can visualise where you love to go to relax whether that be the seaside, walking the hills on a nice summers day you can change your endorphins, that will make you body feel better relaxed and at ease. On the other hand, if you imagine sitting in a traffic jam or see a violet film this will produce stress hormones and will put a strain on your body.

Pack up your Worries!

The words to an old song my Granddad taught me.

“Pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag
And smile, smile, smile
While you’re a lucifer to light your fag,
Smile, boys that’s the style.
What’s the use of worrying?
It never was worthwhile
So pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag
And smile, smile, smile.”

This song was done for the 1st World War.

Worry takes its toll on your body. It can make you feel heavy and can sabotage all your opportunities that come your way.

When you are worried, are you any different to the salesperson that comes to your door and says:

“I want you to buy my products but I’m no good. I have not made a sale at all. Please, please will you buy my products?”

This is how you appear to people when you are worried. People sadly don’t enjoy being around people that spend their time worrying, due to the fact you are not fun.

The problem with worrying is that if focuses on the negative.

If you listen to the news on TV at most you are given a daily diet of most cases negative news, we never here good news and we have this broadcast 3 times a day on television and on the radio I believe some channels it’s every hour.

My advice STOP feeding your brain with negativity, now wherever you hear the news it’s on the Coronavirus, what will be will be we have no control over it.

If you do need some help, please do contact me by email.

This is how you appear to people when you are worried. People sadly don’t enjoy being around people that spend their time worrying, due to the fact you are not fun.

The problem with worrying is that it focuses on the negative.

If you listen to the news on TV at most you are given a daily diet of most cases negative news, we never here good news and we have this broadcast 3 times a day on television and on the radio I believe some channels it’s every hour.

My advice STOP feeding your brain with negativity, now wherever you hear the news it’s on the Coronavirus, what will be will be we have no control over it.

If you do need some help, please do contact me.

About Karen Baughan

Karen Baughan is an NLP Master Practitioner based in Bromsgrove, UK. Having used NLP to affect her own personal transformation, she now helps clients, from around the world, to transform their lives and achieve their dreams.

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